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The fear that their loved children are going to outlive them is particularly crucial in the lives of the parents of the autistic people. The "Life-Long Friend" program aims to alleviate the parents' lingering concern about who will care for their children when they are no longer able to do so by creating a lifelong network between the volunteers and the people with ASD and their families. By submitting this form, you agree to be a "life-long friend" with a child impacted by ASD. Please indicate that you "want to be a friend" in the form below. If you are submitting this form from the family of children with ASD, please indicate "I need a friend" in the form below. 


After you submit the form, we will contact you through your email within 24 hours. We sincerely appreciate all volunteers and deem their participation a vital component of our efforts. Join our mission to build a sustainable community for people with ASD and their families! 

Thanks for submitting!

L.L.F.: Job Application
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